But at the most basic level, doctors need to be able to come forward with their errors and near-misses, otherwise we will never know where the problems lay.

Danielle Ofri
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  3. It is very expensive to give bad medical care to poor people in a rich country. - Paul Farmer

  4. Swords, Lances, arrows, machine guns, and even high explosives have had far less power over the fates of nations than the typhus louse, the plague flea, and the yellow-fever mosquito. Civilizations have retreated from the plasmodium of malaria, and armies have crumbled into rabbles under... - Hans Zinsser

  5. One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity, for the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient. - Elizabeth Bradley

More Quotes By Danielle Ofri
  1. Suddenly, I was plunged back into an avid learning environment, starting at the bottom and working my way painstakingly up the mountain. The thrill of learning and accomplishing stimulated me so much that the work was pleasurable.

  2. The very fact that these doctors continuing to be doctors--highly successful ones--despite their errors and their accompanying assaults on their self-definion would itself be a potent lesson to the students and interns. It is possible to hold one's head up after an error, to admit...

  3. How the sadness is handled by the physician has a powerful impact on the medical care received by the patients. If the grief is relentlessly suppressed--as in Eva's experience during residency--the result can be a numb physician who is unable to invest in a new...

  4. Grief ate at these doctors, distracting them from both their families and their patients. Many reported withdrawing from emotional involvement with their patients and that their patients had noticed they weren't fully present.

  5. Empathy--the ability to identify with someone else's suffering--is certainly a prerequisite for a genuine apology.

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